Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The Oxford English dictionary. Volume 3. Cham-Creeky (engelsk)

  1. Bog

The Oxford English dictionary. Indhold: Bd. 1: A-Bazouki. Bd. 2: B.B.C.-Chalypsography. Bd. 3: Cham-Creeky. Bd. 4: Creel-Duzepere. Bd. 5: Dvandva-Follis. Bd. 6: Follow-Haswed. Bd. 7: Hat-Intervacuum. Bd. 8: Interval-Looie. Bd. 9: Look-Mouke. 10: Moul-Ovum. Bd. 11: Ow-Poisant. Bd. 12: Poise-Quelt. Bd. 13: Quemadero-Roaver. Bd. 14: Rob-Sequyle. Bd. 15: Ser-Soosy. Bd. 16: Soot-Styx. Bd. 17: Su-Thrivingly. Bd. 18: Thro-Unelucidated. Bd. 19: Unemancipated-Wau-wau. Bd. 20: Wave-Zyxt. Bibliography (engelsk)

  1. Bog

The Oxford English Dictionary (engelsk)

  1. Bog