Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Washington Square (engelsk)

Henry James

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Washington Square (dansk)

Henry James

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  3. E-materiale

Washington Square

  1. Film

Washington Square (engelsk)

Henry James

  1. Bog

The turn of the screw and other short fiction (engelsk)

Henry James

  1. Bog

The novels and stories of Henry James. Vol. 9. The Bostonians (engelsk)

Henry James

  1. Bog

The novels and stories of Henry James. Vol. 8. The Bostonians (engelsk)

Henry James

  1. Bog

The novels and stories of Henry James. Vol. 7. The portrait of a lady (engelsk)

Henry James

  1. Bog

The novels and stories of Henry James. Vol. 6. The portrait of a lady (engelsk)

Henry James

  1. Bog

The novels and stories of Henry James. Vol. 5. Washington Square (engelsk)

Henry James

  1. Bog