Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The restaurant at the end of the universe (engelsk)

Douglas Adams

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The restaurant at the end of the universe (engelsk)

Douglas Adams (1952-)

  1. Bog

Galakse-blafferen (dansk)

Douglas Adams

  1. Bog

Den sidste restaurant i universet (dansk)

Douglas Adams

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  2. Lydbog
  3. E-materiale

The hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy : a trilogy in five parts (engelsk)

Douglas Adams

  1. Bog

Restaurangen vid slutet av universum (svensk)

Douglas Adams

  1. Bog

The restaurant at the end of the universe. 2 (engelsk)

Douglas Adams

  1. Lydbog

The restaurant at the end of the universe. 1 (engelsk)

Douglas Adams

  1. Lydbog

The ultimate hitchhiker's guide : complete and unabridged (engelsk)

Douglas Adams

  1. Bog

Restauracja na końcu wszechświata (polsk)

Douglas Adams

  1. Bog