Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Hercule Poirots jul (dansk)

Agatha Christie

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Døden lurer (dansk)

Agatha Christie

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En af mine sønner (dansk)

Agatha Christie

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Hercule Poirot's Christmas (engelsk)

Agatha Christie

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Hercule Poirot's Christmas. a Hercule Poirot novel (engelsk)

Agatha Christie

  1. Bog

Božić Herculea Poirota (serbokroatisk)

Agatha Christie

  1. Bog

'Efialtikà Hristoúgenna (græsk)

Agatha Christie

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Hercule Poirots Weihnachten : Roman (tysk)

Agatha Christie

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Murder on the Orient express. Cards on the table. Hercule Poirot's Christmas. Five little pigs (engelsk)

Agatha Christie

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En af mine sønner

  1. Film