Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The Oxford handbook of British Romanticism (Engelsk)

David Duff ((1962- ...))

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Reading public Romanticism (engelsk)

Paul Magnuson

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Neoclassicism and romanticism : architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing 1750-1848

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Home Sweet Home (Flere sprog)

Anne-Marie von Sarosdy

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The ephemeral eighteenth century : print, sociability, and the cultures of collecting (engelsk)

Gillian Russell

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Romanticism and the philosophical tradition (Flere sprog)

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Poetic meditations on death : a gothic and romantic literary genre of the long eighteenth century, 1693-1858 (engelsk)

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Strange truths in undiscovered lands : Shelley's poetic development and romantic geography (engelsk)

Nahoko Miyamoto Alvey (1961-)

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Visages de l'effroi : violence et fantastique de David à Delacroix : exposition, Paris, Musée de la vie romantique, 2 novembre 2015-28 février 2016, Musée de La Roche-sur-Yon, 19 mars-19 juin 2016 (Fransk)

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Romanticism and the vocation of childhood (engelsk)

Judith Plotz (1938-)

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