Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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Relationships of sympathy : the writer and the reader in British Romanticism (engelsk)

Thomas J. McCarthy

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Philosophy for architects (engelsk)

Branko Mitrovic

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Race, romance, and rebellion : literatures of the Americas in the nineteenth century (engelsk)

Colleen C. O'Brien

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Udlængsel og hjemve : personlighedsopfattelse hos Poul Møller og hans forgængere (dansk)

Martin Paludan-Müller

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Romanticism and Transcendentalism : 1800-1860 (engelsk)

Jerry Phillips

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Romanticism and the vocation of childhood (engelsk)

Judith Plotz (1938-)

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Girls only? : gender and popular children's fiction in Britain, 1880-1910 (engelsk)

Kimberley Reynolds

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Til døden os skiller - eller kærligheden forsvinder : et følelseshistorisk studie af hvordan tre kunstnerpar omkring år 1900 dyrkede den romantiske relation igennem breve (dansk)

Laura Riis Nielsen

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The ephemeral eighteenth century : print, sociability, and the cultures of collecting (engelsk)

Gillian Russell

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Romanticism, rhetoric and the search for the sublime : a Neo-Romantic theory for our time by Craig R. Smith (engelsk)

Craig R. Smith

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