Nørrebro Bibliotek. Foto: Ida Acs

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The white garden : a novel of Virginia Woolf (engelsk)

Stephanie Barron

  1. Bog

The cutout (engelsk)

Francine Mathews

  1. Bog

The avant-garde in Russia 1910-1930 : exhibition ... Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. : November 20, 1980-February 15, 1981 (engelsk)

  1. Bog

The Alibi Club (engelsk)

Francine Mathews

  1. Bog

That Churchill woman : a novel (engelsk)

Stephanie Barron

  1. Bog
  2. Lydbog
  3. E-materiale

Stråmanden (dansk)

Francine Mathews

  1. Bog
  2. Lydbog

Skulpturen und Zeichnungen 1979-1987 (tysk)

Georg Baselitz

  1. Bog

Skulptur des Expressionismus (tysk)

Stephanie Barron

  1. Bog

Reading California : art, image and identity 1900-2000 (engelsk)

  1. Bog

New objectivity : modern German art in the Weimar Republic, 1919-1933 (engelsk)

  1. Bog